PledgeBank - PiNappaKappa

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Why Pi Nappa Kappa is Necessary

Pi Nappa Kappa is necessary today as it was 40 years ago and will be 40 years from now.  It is necessary because women of African descent still do not have the answers to the questions that plague them about natural hair and lifestyle.  Unlike other ethnicities, for many black women, our natural hair is still foreign to us.  Because we were relaxed at such an early age, we do not know the real texture of our natural born hair.

Furthermore, until Black children can pass the "Black Doll Test" we have work to do.  What is the Black Doll Test?  It is a study where black children are given all colors of dolls and they often choose Caucasion blonde dolls over black dolls.  Also, the darker the doll, the more they equate that to ugly.  The lighter the doll, the more the children are to equate them to beautiful.

Part of our Mission is to uplift Black Women, men and children.  We really believe that you cannot seperate women from their hair.

1 comment:

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